Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Transformation of Humanity

Good news is rarely reported in this world of ours.

In each minute of the horrendous events in Connecticut, last week - which left 27 innocent children and adults dead – there were approximately 255 births across the world… perhaps a thousand new births while that man I don’t want to and won’t remember unleashed his madness.

I don’t believe in supernatural evil, but it’s true that some humans are capable of expressing and executing a most unnatural and malevolent manifestation of hate. This is a psychological aberration, rather than demonic influence.

The mind – the egoic mind - can become a very dark place, and it is a human trait that we can become, all too easily, lost in that darkness.

I found out, a couple of weeks ago, that my friend from school killed herself.

Ironically, she was a mental-health nurse, and cared for many people through her career. She made some bad decisions, it seems… she slept with one or more of her patients, and when that was found out, she spiralled into that shadow of mind which convinced her that the best option was to take her life. She died in a mental hospital.

I loved that woman, when I was a teenager… I adored everything about her… and I mourn her. I am so sad that I wasn’t there to help her see a way through.

I realise she’s like humanity in microcosm.

All the people she helped, and all the life she had ahead, and she must have been so focussed on the negatives that she neglected to realise how bright and beautiful she was… and is… and how much she still had to give to the world.

What she did… it didn’t matter… not in the grand scheme of things… she just had human feelings with others who had human feelings… but the pressure from outside caused her to believe that she was no longer useful or worthy to this world of ours. And she killed herself.

When tragedies occur, in our world – when many people die at once – we too quickly assume that it’s the state of our world.

What we fail to remember is that for every person who dies, many children are born; or for every celebrity divorce, multitudes more fall in love.

We are a beautiful species, bound by love, and love is such a special thing.

We wouldn’t still exist if we didn’t love each other.

Humanity is transforming all the time. It doesn’t take one day of superstition to mark this.


Everyone close to you.


Everyone you think you can’t love.



And you WILL transform humanity.

And if you can do that, you are a gift to our species and this Universe.



  1. Beautifully sad for the loss of your friend...

  2. Yes, Love forever holds the key!

    Monday evening I penned "Angels of Sandy Hook" Please pass it on! Thank you kindly and God bless. Every one of these angels will be forever remembered. Rick J. Fico!

  3. Well expressed, Les! I can barely believe that I decided to click on your link, but I did.

  4. Les, I saw your link on twitter and clicked over. I was horrified by the events in Connecticut, but also curious about what you think makes killing evil -- actually, curious about what makes any thought or action evil? What makes other actions good? Who, or what, is the adjudicator of such things? A relativistic answer to these questions is not very intellectually or emotionally satisfying.

  5. Brilliant blog, Les. I had the realisation this week that at times I allow the mind to slip into - what I'm doing is wrong/not good for me/not going anywhere/makes me sad, blah blah. What I then realised was that, that state of mind isn't even me!! I saw clearly that its what I have thought was me, it is society/parents/the herd that I am running in my head, and during this time I am most unhappy. When i am living from my centre - I am flying with the Tao, I am :-) Thanks for all you give us to ponder on Les. Merry Crimbo to you and all. x

  6. Everything has its equal and opposite. Conflict, combat, warfare, fighting, confrontation, hostilities, battle campaign,struggle, crusade competition, rivalry, feud, battle, struggle and suffering are all opposite or opposing to peace. You are that which sees and knows all. The "No Thing" out of which everything is born. Balance or the middle way is seeing that all is allowed and all has already been accepted and with this acceptance is peace beyond understanding. Love everything and question what you fear about what you don't love and see if the fear is real. I get this image of Jesus standing there with his heart wide open. This image speaks more than a thousand words.


  7. I am so very sorry about your friend.

    After my brother took his own life, we all realized that he was in some kind of spiral of bad decisions and not getting help. We never even knew he was depressed. I would give everything I own for just 5 more minutes with him.

    Great Post.

  8. Great message, Les, to turn a vision of horror into one of hope. Well written, my friend.

    1. "...a vision of horror into one of hope..."

      That was beautifully put.

  9. I loved that woman, when I was a teenager… I adored everything about her…

    This was so beautiful. She may not have been able to hear these words but we do and it gives hope... Everyone is loved by someone, even if we can't always hear the words.

  10. Thank you for these thoughtful, reflective words. I am sorry about your friend. I am certain had you been closer to her you would have had a positive impact. Sadly, we can't be all place at once and there are only so many souls we can reach out to a offer tender loving support in time of need.

    I really like this excerpt from your post...


    Everyone close to you.


    Everyone you think you can’t love.



    And you WILL transform humanity."

    Peace and blessing be yours on your life's journey!


  11. I often wish the news focused half as much on good news as they do bad..

    I'm sorry about your friend.

  12. This resonated on many levels. A beautiful, poignant piece, Les. I, too, was touched by the words Derrick quoted. My sincere condolences for the loss of your friend.

  13. I sit here crying about the beautiful soul in a friend that you have lost. I am also thankful to you, Les, for having shared your feelings about the unfortunate realities in our world which led her to seek peace from the public humiliation which, I too, have now experienced in a very similar situation. For the past six months I have asked myself on a daily basis how I will go on with my life. I have learned that the critics have a very loud voice, but they speak of situations, not of the gentle, caring people attached to the incidents. Nobody will walk away from this life error-free. Thank you again, Les for humanizing these tragic events. Love to all of you out there.

  14. How sad ... when your in a bottomless pit its dificult to see the sun! x

  15. I am so sorry for your loss. She brought out so much with her death. Sad for shame and scandal. well said.

  16. You expressed what is in my heart today so eloquently, Les. I am very thankful for you and others like yourself who think of us as one. I mourn for the loss of your dear friend and pray that her higher self will learn from the journey. Namaste.
